« * » indique les champs nécessaires 1Membership Details2General Information3Experience4References Membership DetailsMember Account?* I have an existing account I am a new user Username or Email Address Password Remember Me Lost your Password? Email* Mot de passe* Saisir le mot de passe Confirmer le mot de passe Ce champ est masqué lorsque l‘on voit le formulaire.Membership Level Instructor Candidate Applicant Name* Prénom Nom Preferred Email for Communication* Province*Please explain why you are interested in becoming an OCC Field Leader instructor. How would you use this course?* Outdoor Leadership ExperienceDepending on a candidate’s performance during the course, they may receive more than one license (a license enables an Instructor to teach an OCC course in a specific activity). Outdoor leadership experience is an important factor used when granting licenses. Therefore, for each of the activities below please provide these details; # of Leadership days in the past 5 years; experience leading others in different seasons and locations (remoteness); experience working with different ages and types of groups (i.e. school groups, Youth at Risk, Tourism, outdoor organizations). We have provided the minimal outdoor leadership experience required to get the associated license. You do not need to meet the requirements in all activity areas to be approved for the Instructor course. However, meeting those requirements in one or more areas will help your application. If you meet the requirements listed below, please give us the details.Day hike experience*100 days of leadership experience + 2 seasons of leadership experience (e.g. two summers, etc.) + 10 leadership days in the past 5 years.Paddling experience*100 days of leadership experience + 2 seasons of leadership experience (e.g. two summers, etc.) + 10 leadership days in the past 5 years.Equine experience*100 days of leadership experience + 2 seasons of leadership experience (e.g. two summers, etc.) + 10 leadership days in the past 5 years.Winter experience*20 days of winter leadership experience.Overnight experience*150 days of remote wilderness overnight camping experience + 50 of those days are in a leadership context + 3 different seasons of overnight leadership experience (e.g. one spring, one summer, one winter). LIST GROUP TYPE DIVERSITY (i.e. youth, adults, tourism, therapy, etc.) full listing here: https://docs.google.com/document/d/1eRAE3Quc6FHxR5vTjapmTYu5vhcrmFAof_9oRuJNQ3Q/editPlease include any other outdoor experience (personal and professional)If possible, indicate the number of days in the field and year of tripOther ExperiencePlease include a description of your experience pertaining to the following duties: selection and training of field staff, developing outdoor programming, monitoring and managing outdoor program safety, monitoring and managing program quality, organizing logistical support for outdoor trips, record keeping.*If you have no experience in one, or more, area please write « none ».Please include your teaching and/or coaching experience and/or facilitation experience.*Please include a list of current certifications and the name of the certifying body.*If you have no certifications, please indicate « none ». Reference InformationPlease provide contact information for three references. References should have extensive experience as an outdoor programmer. For more information on reference requirements, consult this document. www.outdoorcouncil.ca/resources/Documents/Referee%20Information.pdfReference #1Full Name of Reference*Job Title of Reference*Email Address of Reference*Phone Number of Reference*City of Reference*Reference #2Full Name of Reference*Job Title of Reference*Email Address of Reference*Phone Number of Reference*City of Reference*Reference #3Full Name of ReferenceJob Title of ReferenceEmail Address of ReferencePhone Number of ReferenceCity of Reference